Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kim's Composer's Kitchen Blogs

Kim Codner, who just finished her fourth year here at the School of Music and is heading off to McGill to do a Master's in Composition next year, is participating in a programme in Montreal right now called "Composer's Kitchen," with the Quattor Bozzini and composers Linda Smith and Michael Oesterle. Click on the link if you wish to find out more about this programme, but briefly, their website describes it as follows:
This unique event revolving around the string quartet is a combination workshop, laboratory, playground, and master class. Over the course of a week, the Quatuor Bozzini and two experienced composers will observe the work of six up-and-coming composers. Their compositions will be read, played, assessed, analyzed, worked on, played again, and performed in the closing concert. This gives young composers a unique opportunity to perfect their craft with professional musicians.
Kim has been posting blogs on her experiences there, and they are a great read! They also have a lot of useful information on notation issues, and the kind of feedback she's been getting from both the quartet and the "mentor" composers.

Here are the links to her Composer's Kitchen blogs:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 (recordings!)

Check 'em out, and say "hi" to her via the comments area if you do!


  1. It can be confusing when it comes to knowing what kitchen gadgets to buy. Of course, it depends on whether it is for you or as a gift for somebody. Things like cutlery, cookware and tableware are something everybody uses, but other kitchen gadgets are considered more personal and are typically considered the cook’s tool ensemble,Kitchen gadgets

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Normally, I delete spam bot "comments," but this one (above) is kind of funny and possibly profound, so I left it. Maybe somebody could do a musical setting of it...

  4. That is a pretty funny comparison. I think it makes sense to leave a lot of things as ambiguous, recent studies (at least ones that I read) support the idea that the joy of music stems from surprise as well as anticipation. I agree with music being a journey, when I used to listen to Beethoven it sounded pretty magical, I did not expect any of the resolutions and surprises, and now, when I grew to know his style so much better, ever when I hear a new piece I never heard before it is no longer a surprise. However, it does not mean I hear it every time the same way: part of the journey is in the moment and in the context in which you listen to the piece, which might sound so different at some point.
