Thursday, November 26, 2009

Final Concert! (Do I have your info?)

Well friends, hard to believe it, but we are only days away from our final concert (Sunday, 7PM, Petro-Canada Hall). Have you submitted all necessary programme information? If not, please provide it in the comments section below, by 5PM Friday. I was still receiving programme information for our first concert up to about an hour before the show, and I would prefer to have the information much sooner than that this time.

Also, if you have a requirement to be early or late in the programme, now would be the time to let me know (and the reason, please).

In no particular order, below is the programme information I currently have; please check spellings for accuracy:

Mary Beth Waldram - 3:43 - Susan Watkins (sop.), Mary Beth Waldram (cl.), Lindsey Wareham (pno.)

Aiden Hartery - Constantly Risking Absurdity - Stephen Ivany (bar.), Jill Dawe (tpt.), Phillip Holloway (tbn.), Andrew Coffin (pno.)

Andrew Rideout - Fire and Ice - Erin Milley (sop.), Brooke Stewart (vn.), Andrew Rideout (perc.), Simon Mackie (pno.)

Adam Batstone - [NO TITLE] - Bethany Saunders (sop.), Adam Batstone (gtr.), Andrew Rideout (perc.)

Joshua White - Fog - Patrick Edison (ten.), Joshua White (Mel.), Laura Jacyna (vc.), Simon Mackie (pno.)

Dave Goudie - A Musical Journey Through a Moment - Sarah Caines (sop.), Laura Jacyna (vc.), Lindsey Wareham (pno.)

Alexander Pryor - Une Pesce, Due Pesci - Megan Barnes (sop.), Sarah Clement (fl.), Mary Beth Waldram (cl.), Alexander Pryor (pno.)

Lindsey Wareham - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud - Emily Cairns (sop.), Mary Beth Waldram (cl.), Lindsey Wareham (pno.)

Chris Rodgers - [NO TITLE] - Chris Rodgers (gtr.), Andrew McCarthy (perc.), Dylan Varner-Hartley (pno.), Josh White (DB)

Steve Cowan - [NO TITLE] - Brooke Stewart (vn.), Laura Jacyna (vc.), Andrew Rideout (perc.), Dylan Varner-Hartley (pno)

Stephen Quinlan - Hippo's Hope - Stephen Quinlan (ten.), Jill Dawe (tpt.), Celina Barry (tba.), Jennifer Benson (pno.)

Brooke Stewart - Would You Look at That - Emily Stockley (sop.), Brooke Stewart (vn.), TBA (vc.)


  1. Yup, that's looks about right for my piece. Just one thing though is that Sarah is a mezzo-soprano. I'm not sure if that's what would be written on a concert program or if she actually would just be called a soprano. Otherwise, looks good.

  2. Adam Smith - Three Japanese Poems - Susan Watkins (sop.), Andrew Coffin (pno.), and processed prepared piano.

  3. My piece is called Sonnet 100. Text by Shakespeare

  4. Hi I was wondering if my piece and also Adam Smith's piece could very at the very end of the concert as Susan Watkins both our vocalists will not be bale to make it until the very end. Thanks.

  5. Sorry I meant first can we go first!!! She has to be gone by 7:30. Thanks!

  6. I have some changes!
    Singer: Erin Milly
    Text by Kenn Nesbitt (I spelt it wrong on your sheet!)
    Title: That Explains it.
    Thanks :)

  7. Also! Since Erin is now singing in my piece I will have to be one of the last ones please!

  8. Mine isn't there!

    Megan Barnes
    your little voice, text by E.E. Cummings
    Megan Barnes - Mezzo
    Simon Mackie - Piano
    Mitchell Hamilton - Flute
    Katie Noseworthy - Bass Clarinet

    If at all possible, could I perform close to the beginning of the program? I have a rehearsal to get to afterward.


  9. Megan, I don't think I can put you at the beginning of the concert because one of your performances is with Erin Milley, who a week ago requested that all her performances be as late in the programme as possible, as she has another commitment earlier. I will schedule your performances at the beginning of the second half, and hope that Erin will be there in time for Sarah Clement's piece. I know this is not ideal, but I don't think there is any other option.

    On a side note, Mu3100 students are expected to be there for the entire concert as a show of support for one another, so I don't understand why you scheduled another rehearsal at the same time.
